We will help you choose
the right marketing decisions!

We have individual approach
for every client
Marketing consultancy gives knowledge of what actions are necessary to maintain previous clients and gain new ones. Propose the time when these operations should be handled and how to plan and spend the most effectively marketing budget.
It is very well known that without planned marketing, we risk time and money loss, which will not bring expected effects.
During analysis of previous marketing actions our advisors can characterize who is client and what are it's expectations. This is a base of marketing strategy which aim is increasing company's profit.
Conducting marketing actions is necessary to distinguish company from the competitors and fulfilling marketing targets.
Without marketing - that means without fulfilling plans, based on previous analysis and tough numbers, company cannot build, implement and develop it's own marketing strategy for the future.
Marketing audit
Marketing audit is the first stage of advisory projects or it is realized as separate project. The aim is to verify and evaluate previous marketing actions, gaining specific information about competitors or working out recommendation about ways of increasing marketing actions effectiveness.
Working out marketing operations strategy
Second stage of actions is working out marketing strategy that means specifying marketing tools and marketing mechanism which leads to realization of planned targets. In the designing process we define marketing, promotional or advertising actions which guarantee the most effective way of realization planned targets.
Implementation of marketing operations
When marketing operations strategy is prepared and accepted, it is extended to specific actions in the time - marketing operations plan.
Prepared and accepted marketing operations plan we put in a practice. We work in line with the defined work schedule, consulting with the procurer progress of work.
Targets verification
At every stage of project execution we guaratee clients all time care of it's results. Thanks to the fact the client has unlimited access to our work progress. This motivates us additionaly and ensure us that even the smallest detail is perfect. If it is necessary, we implement our propositions of changes which allows to achieve defined objectives.